
Lucky Code Collection Event



🎉 Phoenix Games Facebook Lucky Code Collection Event🎉

1️⃣Event 1:

📅 On August 31, when the number of Phoenix Games Welfare Group members reaches 1,200, lucky codes will be distributed in the [Official] Welfare Group. Hurry up and join the Welfare Group to get a chance! Click here to join the group link:



2️⃣Event 2:

📣 Members participate in interactive Q&A comments. Every week we will select players who answer questions correctly to give lucky codes. Follow our interactive Q&A and don't miss every chance to win!


3️⃣Event 3:

📅 From August 19 to August 25, download our Facebook game package and register a game account belonging to the Facebook package. You can get a lucky code scratch card once a day by playing the game.

⬇️Click here to download the Facebook game package:
